How can we help you?

Below is a list of commonly asked questions.

If you cannot find the answer to your question or would like further information please contact us by phone, email or please come and visit us.

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PAGE : Total: 28 questions

1  What cremation options are there?

2  Will my pet be handled respectfully?

3  How will I know it's my pet’s ashes I receive?

4  Can you collect my pet from my home?

5  Can I bring my pet to the crematorium?

6  If my pet is ‘put to sleep’ at the vet’s, can I select where my pet is cremated?

7  How and when should I pay for the cremation?

8  Can I be present at the time of cremation?

9  Can I witness the cremation of my pet?

10  Do you provide any religious services?

11  What choices do I have for my pet’s ashes?

12  Can I remove my pet’s ashes from their casket or urn?

13  Should I plan in advance?

14  How do I choose a pet crematorium?

15  Should I speak to my vet about my wishes?

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PAGE : Total: 28 questions